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Friday 8 April 2011

Giving good Greek

The sis demands Greek food. Crispy lamb, she says, maybe a little white cabbage salad with things in it? You know what I like, Gutser, just make it happen woncha?

So dutifully I cook, even though all I really just to do is watch Biggest Loser Families on the 42 inch.

Sis has bought exceptional lamb chunks from Mondos, which I marinate in fresh oregano from the garden, lemon juice and zest, olive oil and loads of garlic. White cabbage is sliced thinly and mixed with chopped red capsicum, finely sliced red onion and some ripe tomatoes. The dressing: olive oil, garlic and lemon. No point creating juxtaposed flavours lest they clash, what.

The sis also bought some Royal Blue spuds, so I feel honour bound to do something with these, too. So I slice them finely, skin on, and boil them to tenderness in salted water.

Once cooked, I dress them while still warm in a mixture of olive oil, good quality tapenade (I used the one from Sal Davis at McHenry's Farm Shop in Margaret River), lemon juice and, you guessed it, garlic.

Because they're warm, the spuds soak up all the juices. Nice. I arrange them prettily on a dinner plate and finish with some grated lemon zest and some very finely sliced spring onion greens.

Oh, and a bowl of thick, creamy Greek yoghurt into which I stir some freshly chopped mint from the garden, a little salt and, damn it, some more garlic.

The microplane grater came into its own, producing the finest filigree of lemon zest and beautifully pureed garlic.

Leftovers were wolfed up by the slim blonde one, home from school and ravenous as usual. Much more sensible to get food of quality into her at hometime, rather than waiting until 6pm, by which time she's tired and full of noodles.

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